Free Hotel Booking Plugin: Installation Guide

October 21, 2020
02:18 PM

WordPress is considered as one of the best free online publishing platforms and content management systems (CMS) for websites and blogs today. For instance, business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals utilize and incorporate WordPress websites into their marketing efforts to widen their reach, attract more customers or clients, and increase their sales. To help manage bookings and reservations, hoteliers and other accommodation providers integrate hotel booking systems such as the eaSYNC Booking Plugin into their WordPress websites.


The eaSYNC Hotel Booking Plugin

Below, we will be showing you a step-by-step guide on how you can install the eaSYNC hotel booking calendar WordPress plugin for your hotel website. After following these quick and easy steps, you can build a seamless WordPress booking system that can manage your hotel bookings and reservations with just a few clicks.


Now, let us start!


Installing the eaSYNC Booking Plugin

After creating a WordPress website, you can head on to the admin dashboard located on the left side of the screen. Then, click the Plugins tab and hit on the Add Now button.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Click Add Now
Click Add Now


On the Search Box, input the key phrase “eaSYNC Booking” to bring up the particular plugin. Then, click Install Now. After installing, click Activate.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Install and Activate
Install and Activate the eaSYNC Booking Plugin


Upon activation, a set of instructions will be flashed on your screen on how to use the eaSYNC Booking plugin.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Set of Instructions
Instructions on How to Use the eaSYNC Booking Plugin


Note: Aside from hotel bookings, the eaSYNC Booking plugin also caters to car rentals and restaurant reservations. Click on the demo for the car rental plugin and the restaurant reservation plugin to see how they work!


Enabling the eaSYNC Booking Plugin

First, on the admin dashboard, click on the Settings tab.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Click Settings
Click on the Settings Tab


Then, to enable the plugins, simply switch the Hotel Booking, Car Rental, and Restaurant Reservation buttons ON.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Switch On the Plugin/s
Switch On the Plugins


Adding Rooms and Room Options

On the admin dashboard, click the eaSYNC Hotel tab and then hit Add New Room.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Click Add New Room
Click Add New Room


Here, you must indicate the name of the new room (example: “Single Bedroom Deluxe”) and enter the room description.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Indicate Room Name and Description
Indicate Room Name and Description


Next, fill out all the necessary information under the Price and More section.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Fill Out Information for Price and More Section
Fill Out Information for Price and More Section


Then, add eye-catching images to entice your customers further.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Add Images
Add Images


Lastly, click Publish once everything is all set.


Adding Hotel Booking Page

First, click the Users tab located on the admin dashboard. On the next screen, copy the given shortcode for Hotel Room.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Copy Hotel Room Shortcode
Copy Hotel Room Shortcode

Click the Pages tab on the admin dashboard, then select Add New.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Click Add New
Click Add New


Indicate the name of the new page, and paste the previously copied shortcode into the description box. On the right side under Page Attributes, select “Full Width Page” as the Template for the new page.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Indicate Page Name Paste Shortcode Full Width Page Template
Indicate Page Name, Paste Shortcode, and Set Full Width Page as Template


Click Publish once everything is all set. To see a preview of your Hotel Booking page, click on View Page on the Edit Page section located above the Title Box.

EaSync Booking Plugin Installation View Page
Click View Page to See Preview


EaSync Booking Plugin Installation Preview of New Hotel Booking Page
Preview of New Hotel Booking Page


Viewing Booking Entries and Checking In Customers

On the admin dashboard under eaSYNC Bookings, click on the Bookings button.

Installation Click Bookings
Click on Bookings


Click Hotel Room and a calendar will show you the customers (highlighted in orange) who are trying to book into your hotel.

Installation View Booking Entries
Calendar Viewing for Booking Entries


To review their booking request details, click on their name. Then their booking information will pop up on your screen. If you agree to their booking request, then click on Start. After that, the customer is now officially checked-in.

Installation Checking in Customers Click Start
Click Start to Check In Customers


Upon successfully approving their request, the customer’s name will then be highlighted in green.

Installation Customer Officially Checked In
Customer Officially Checked In


Viewing Booked Entries and Checking Out Customers

On the admin dashboard under eaSYNC Bookings, click on the Bookings button. Next, click Hotel Room and a calendar will show you the customers (highlighted in green) who are currently booked at your hotel.

Installation Calendar Booked Entries
Calendar Viewing for Booked Entries


To check out a particular customer from your hotel, click on their name. Their booking information will pop up on your screen. Then, click End to officially check them out of your hotel.

Installation Check Out Customers Click End
Click End to Check Out Customers


Upon successfully ending their booking, the customer’s name will then be highlighted in gray.

Installation Customer Officially Checked Out
Customer Officially Checked Out



Adding PayPal Sandbox Keys

On the admin dashboard under eaSYNC Booking, click on Settings, and then Click on Advance. Place your Sandbox key under the PayPal settings. Choose Sandbox in the Use section and click Save.


Installation Place Sandbox Key for PayPal
Place Sandbox Key for PayPal



Adding PayPal Production Keys

On the admin dashboard under eaSYNC Booking, click on Settings, and then click on Advance. Next, place your Production key under the PayPal settings. Then, choose Production in the Use section. Click Save.

Installation Place Production Key for PayPal
Place Production Key for PayPal



Setting Up Currency

On the admin dashboard under eaSYNC Booking, click on Settings, and then click on Advance.

Installation Click on Settings
Click on Settings


On the Product Currency Code section, select the currency of your choice. Click Save.

Installation Choose Currency of Choice
Choose Currency of Choice


Try Out the Free eaSYNC Booking Plugin Today!

As you may have observed as you followed the simple steps indicated above, the eaSYNC Booking plugin for WordPress websites is very easy to navigate. Most especially, it allows hotel owners to easily keep track and facilitate their bookings and reservations online with no trouble. Additionally, it provides its target market with a friendly and convenient platform to book their rooms and place their reservations with just a few clicks.


So, don’t wait any longer. Integrate hotel booking systems such as the eaSYNC Booking Plugin into your WordPress hotel website today. Try out the eaSYNC Booking Demo here!

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