eaSYNC Booking Plugin

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I embed booking modules on a page or post?

To embed eaSYNC Booking Plugin modules like the Car Rental, go to Page or Post in the admin panel and use this shortcode:

[easync_car_code] = Car Rental
[easync_hotel_code] = Hotel Booking
[easync_restau_code] = Restaurant Reservation
Will this booking system work for me?

Of course, it will! We made the eaSYNC plugin as easy to use and as flexible as possible for booking rental vehicles, hotel rooms, and restaurant tables. If you have multiple businesses aligned with car rentals, hotels, and restaurants, this WordPress booking plugin is suitable for you.

What payment methods the plugin support

In the case of the free version, our WordPress booking plugin supports PayPal payments. The pro version adds Stripe, Authorize.net, and over-the-counter payment.

How will I know the car has been returned

Our plugin has a monitoring feature for expected car returns.

Why is my plugin not working?

Your WordPress version may be one reason why our plugin isn’t working on your site. eaSYNC Booking runs on WordPress versions 3.0 or higher, so upgrading your WordPress version might fix the problem.

There also might be conflicts with our plugin and your existing ones.

If errors still occur, you can post a ticket on our support (https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/easync-booking) so we can address your concern accordingly.

Can you provide plugin installation services on my website?

Yes, we can! You can email us at (inquiries@syntacticsinc.com) for a quotation on our installation services

Will you add additional features to the plugin?

Yes, we’ll be releasing eaSYNC Booking version 2, so stay tuned! Additionally, we offer a premium version to which we’re continually adding useful features.

Do you offer support?

Yes, we do! You can post a ticket on our support or email us at inquiries@syntacticsinc.com so we can address your concern accordingly.

Are the forms GDPR compliant?

We comply with the 2012 Data Privacy Act and ensure our customers’ personal information stays confidential. You can check our Privacy Policy here.

How to Generate Paypal Key and Add Paypal Account with eaSYNC?

You can integrate PayPal into your website’s booking system with eaSYNC. This video will demonstrate the step-by-step process of generating your PayPal key and setting it up on your website. Check out the detailed video below, and you’ll be able to set it up in no time!

You may reach out to us via our Contact Us page https://easync.syntacticsinc.com/contact/ for any inquiries or issues related to logging in, generating, or setting up.

Alternatively, you can follow the step-by-step instructions in this document to generate your PayPal key and set it up on your website.

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For questions relating/regarding

the booking plugin and general issues.